What function counts the number of rows in a column?
COUNT() function returns the number of rows that match specified criteria.
Functions NUMBER(), TOTAL(), and ADD() do not exist in SQL.
  • SQL HAVING Example

    |OrderID |EmployeeID|ShipperID  |
    |10248	 | 5        |	3       |
    |10249	 | 6        |	1       |
    |10250	 | 4        |	2       |
    And a selection from the "Employees" table:
    |EmployeeID |LastName |
    |1          |Davolio  |
    |2          |Fuller   |
    |3          |Leverling|
    Now we want to find if any of the employees has registered more than 10 orders.
    We use the following SQL statement:
    SELECT Employees.LastName, COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM (Orders
    INNER JOIN Employees
    ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID)
    GROUP BY LastName
    HAVING COUNT(Orders.OrderID) > 10;
    Read more: SQL HAVING Clause
  • SQL HAVING Example

    |OrderID |EmployeeID|ShipperID  |
    |10248	 | 5        |	3       |
    |10249	 | 6        |	1       |
    |10250	 | 4        |	2       |
    And a selection from the "Employees" table:
    |EmployeeID |LastName |
    |1          |Davolio  |
    |2          |Fuller   |
    |3          |Leverling|
    Now we want to find if the employees "Davolio" or "Fuller" have registered more than 25 orders.
    We add an ordinary WHERE clause to the SQL statement:
    SELECT Employees.LastName, COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM Orders
    INNER JOIN Employees
    ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
    WHERE LastName='Davolio' OR LastName='Fuller'
    GROUP BY LastName
    HAVING COUNT(Orders.OrderID) > 25;
  • SQL Aggregate Functions

    SQL aggregate functions return a single value, calculated from values in a column.
    Useful aggregate functions:
    • AVG() - Returns the average value
    • COUNT() - Returns the number of rows
    • FIRST() - Returns the first value
    • LAST() - Returns the last value
    • MAX() - Returns the largest value
    • MIN() - Returns the smallest value
    • SUM() - Returns the sum
    Read more: SQL Functions

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