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Java is an object-oriented cross-platform programming language that is designed for readability and interoperability. It is a programming language that was created for usage in distributed environment of Internet to implement an object-oriented programming model. Java is usually read as a light and easier version of how to look and feel C++ language. However, Java can be used as a complete version to create outright applications that can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. In 2017 Java is the most popular programming language, with more than 9 million developers who work with it.
This Quiz is entirely dedicated to Java language, where you can test your knowledge and answer interview questions on Java. You will answer theoretical and practical questions that test your skills to understand java code and find mistakes.
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formatter.format("%.2E\n", 100.0/3.0); //why 3.33 ???
Apr 20, 5:29:58 PM Java
I think the explanation is a bit confusing. "Compiler chooses which overloaded method to use based on the type of a value (not reference) that contains the reference to an object (the value p2 has type Parent) but the object has type Child." - it is more accurate.
Jun 14, 5:12:21 AM Java
@nastya I think it's a typo; it should be "in" not "n".
Jun 13, 5:27:30 PM Java
@geekstomach24 The left operand uses pre-increment (++x) before equals (==) operation. It means the x has value 1 before queals operation. It looks like 1==1. That's why correct answer is the true. The post-increment (x++) will be executed when the entire line is executed System.out.print(++x==x++);. After line System.out.print(++x==x++); the variable x will have value 2.
Jun 5, 9:09:54 AM Java