Scala course
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Обзор тестов с Scala

Для кого этот курс
Scala course is designed for programmers who are already familiar with the basics of Scala programming language and want to improve their knowledge, prepare for the interview or explore corner cases of programming aspects in Scala. This Scala tutorial is originally not designed for beginners, but still covers basic topics. Mostly designed for developers with professional backgrounds starting from Junior to Senior / Architect.

Об этом курсе

What is Scala?
Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming in one concise, high-level language. Scala's static types help avoid bugs in complex applications, and its JVM and JavaScript runtimes let you build high-performance systems with easy access to huge ecosystems of libraries.

You can find Scala interview questions as well as code examples from different topics starting from functions and pattern matching to evaluation strategies (call-by-name, call-by-value) and Scala collections, also including more advanced topics from cats library - Monoids and Semigroups.

Programming in Scala can be tricky and challenging, so Scala quiz in this course is based on real programming code examples and nuances of the scala-lang.

Scala Модули

Basic Structures and Operations
Find out more about pattern matching, Scala types, exception handling and built-in control structures.
Evaluation strategies
Difference between call by name, call by value, def, val - learn in this chapter.
Functions and recursion
Learn about functional literals, nested functions, currying, recursion and higher order functions.
Collections, Option, for syntax
Scala lists, sets, maps and how to traverse them with for loop or for comprehension in Scala - find out here.
Classes, objects, inheritance
Interested what’s special about sealed traits, case classes, or how to override def with val? Check out this chapter.
Functional data structures: singly linked lists
The following set of questions based on the functional way to implement Scala list.
Cats: Semigroups and Monoids
Here we explore first type classes, monoid and semigroup. These allow us to add or combine values.

Scala Обсуждение

Scala Статьи

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